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a ciência, a pseudociência, a medicina e as áreas holísticas — ou o risco de se co ...

Qualquer generalização envolve o risco de preconceito e de pequenez de espírito. Por este motivo, é verdadeiramente urgente dotar as pessoas de raciocínio crítico, para que se habituem a pensar por si próprias sem se deixarem manipular por discursos comerciais ou de poder, independentemente de a quem pertencem.

Numa multidão poderá haver apenas uma pessoa a pensar e a agir de modo diferente, mas isso não significa que seja ela quem está errada.

7 hábitos saudáveis

“O Homem é um animal de hábitos” – Charles Dickens – 1812-1870

Esta frase já tem alguns anos. Este “hábito” de colocar nas frases o elemento “Homem” como referência ao masculino e feminino perdeu a sua intenção generelazida e ...

macrobiotics. after all, what are we talking about?

Macrobiotics is a way of life that guides one's choices in nutrition, activity and lifestyle.

It is a system of principles and practices of harmony to benefit the body, mind, and planet.

The word “macrobiotics” originates from the ancient Greek — Macro meaning “large” or “long”, and Bios meaning “life” or “way of living”.

This is the definition of Macrobiotics agreed upon by 45 Macrobiotic teachers from several countries, in November 2017 at the International Macrobiotics Conference held in Berlin. And this is where I want to start talking to you about this life orientation proposal which hardly leaves us indifferent due to its sagacity, topicality and the growing importance of its premises.

macrobiotics and health coaching

To assess health coaching as a delivery system for macrobiotic lifestyle advice. This paper explores the natural compatibility of macrobiotics and health coaching, as well as the benefits of using a well researched and effective methodology to deliver macrobiotic knowledge and content in a way that leads to positive lifestyle changes and medical outcomes.

fertility’s modern challenges

Fertility is a natural expression of health. With a healthy couple, fertility is present without effort; waiting for the right time is more of an issue. However, a broadly varied plant-based diet with different and varied food preparations ensures fertility for most men and women.

7 healthy steps before pregnancy

A healthy pregnancy ideally begins at least six months before conception. Within the first three weeks, the major systems and the heart of the baby are forming before most women know they are pregnant. Our diet and lifestyle practices before the pregnancy set the tone during and afterwards as well.